Cecil Corbin-Mark

In memoriam

Our dear friend, CEH Board Member, and national environmental justice leader Cecil Corbin-Mark passed away in October 2020. Cecil served on the CEH Board of Directors since 2006, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that he was the heart of our Board. Through his wisdom, integrity, and unconditional love, Cecil trained CEH staff and board members to not fear the needed scary and honest conversations. When the moment called for justice, Cecil brought ferocity. When the moment called for gentleness, he brought compassion and a delicate touch—and when the moment called for laughter, he was the king. All of us at CEH are better champions for justice because of Cecil. He also helped build WE ACT for Environmental Justice for over 26 years and mentored countless environmental justice leaders. To say that our entire field suffered an incalculable loss is an understatement. Cecil’s legacy lives on. WE ACT established the Cecil Corbin-Mark Fellowship for Environmental Justice Leadership—helping young people of color have access to funded opportunities to gain experience in environmental justice policy advocacy, and the U.S. Congress introduced a resolution honoring the life and legacy of Cecil. For everything that he modeled for us, taught us, and did for us, we pay it forward and continue our work in his honor. With love, CEH Staff and Board